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How are Passwords Hacked?
Thursday, October 1, 2020
One of our vendors provided this great video detailing how passwords are hacked. We wanted to share it as well.
The MOST Important Tip When Getting Rid of Old Devices
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Review of a research study in which 98% of used devices collected failed to have been properly wiped. What all are you donating when you give away a used device?
Phoenix Building Permits for the Month of July 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Here are some statistics for Phoenix building permits issued during the month of July 2020.
1 Tech Tip and 1 Cyber Alert for your July Tech Update
Friday, July 24, 2020
Our Tech Tip: Check you Outlook rules. Why and here's how. Tech Update: 7 VPN companies inadvertantly had exposed their activity logs. If you have one of these VPNs - at a minimum, make sure you change your passwords.
Phoenix Building Permits for the Month of June 2020
Friday, July 17, 2020
Here are some statistics for Phoenix building permits issued during the month of June 2020
Office Smith Recommends This Router!
Friday, July 10, 2020
A recent study by FKIE has found most home routers are way behind the patching and security standards we expect from our desktop and server operating systems. Here are the TOP 5 Criticisms of Home Routers and an Entry Level Business Router Recommendation that Actually Will Keep You Safe.
Significant Uptick in Cyber Security Alerts - 2 Quick Steps to Sure Up Your Personal Anti-Virus During Work from Home
Thursday, July 2, 2020
The two things you must do to sure up your Personal Anti-virus when working from home are - Step 1 - check any suspicious emails in Step 2 - check the rating of your home device anti-virus to make sure it is a top-tier product. We'll give you a link to good third party evaluator.
Celebrating a My Parent’s 49th Wedding Anniversary: What are the Hints and Tips we Need to have Successful Virtual Events?
Friday, June 26, 2020
My 8 Hints, Tips, and Advice on Holding Successful Virtual Events
Phoenix Building Permits for the Month of May 2020
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Here are some statistics for Phoenix building permits issued during the month of May 2020